Revolutionary Skincare by Eden Belle

DISCLAIMER: Everyone's skin is different. My opinions are just that; they are not cold, hard facts. What works for me may not work for you and vice versa, but I write these reviews to give you a detailed perspective before you go around spending your money everywhere.

This skincare trio by Edenbelle Beauty is a milk-based product line consisting of lactic acid formulas to provide gentle chemical exfoliation and brightening of the skin.

I found this skincare line in an ad when this company had just recently launched these products and/or packaging and was looking for people to try it out and complete a survey. The total value of these three products was $125, but all I had to do was pay $7 shipping. $7 for an entire full-size skincare trio is an absolute steal! In fact, I was skeptical because there's no way it will be good if I'm getting it for this cheap. But I'll be honest; this was one of my best skin care experiences. It was so much fun to use these products, and they were actually quite revolutionary; they had different technology regarding the formulas of the products and the packaging.

After using Fleur and Bee for a week and being totally disappointed with them, I started using Edenbelle. I was shocked at the instant change in my skin after using it once at night. I woke up the following day, and many of the spots on my face caused by the Fleur and Bee products had vanished or faded. The moisturizer was so thick and yummy and left to shine on my face. And not an oily one, more like a glowy one. And the cleanser just brightened up my skin to the point where you would think I bleached my face after using these three products. I walked outside, getting ready to leave the house, and my mom told me I was wearing too much makeup. I told her, surprised I was not wearing any makeup. That's how bright and glowy my skin looked after using these products. One would think I bleached my face. Even when I met up with my friends, they thought I was wearing makeup, and I told them that it was just this fantastic skincare that I used for the first time, and there was already such a significant difference.

So, for those who don't know, lactic acid is a beautiful ingredient because it exfoliates dead skin cells and brightens the skin. Because these products have lactic acid, I started off by using them a couple times a week, and then eventually, I started using them more often. And, of course, you have to be super careful about wearing SPF with targeted and potent formulas like chemical exfoliators so as not to sensitize your skin. I used these products at night, mainly because it was such a lush formula: a thick moisturizer, perfect for staying on all night to help your skin. Then I would wake up in the morning, splash my face with water, maybe use a little micellar water, and then apply sunscreen. I could have used these products in the morning, and sometimes I did, but the problem was that I didn't want to ruin the finish of the moisturizer with sunscreen, so I preferred to let all the products do their thing at night. 

The first time I used the cleanser, I went in as we usually do while washing our face; I splashed my face with water and then squirted some of the cleanser out onto my hand. So imagine my shock when the formula of the cleanser was as liquidy as water. In my confusion, I took out the instructions that came with it and saw that this liquidy milky formula was supposed to be applied to dry skin and rubbed into your skin in circular motions. 

Honestly, the first few times I used the cleanser, I really didn't like it because I was just so used to the average soapy face wash formula, so I wasn't really enjoying the experience. But once I got over that initial newness of it, I figured out exactly how to use it properly and became obsessed with this concept. It was a gentle chemical exfoliation that didn't leave behind any redness, nor did it leave room for abrasions that can come with using a physical exfoliator. People with sensitive skin and acne-prone skin could definitely use this without any issues. I used about three pumps of the cleanser every time, which was a perfect amount; any less than that, and it wouldn't spread enough on my skin. Sometimes, I would go in with a fourth or fifth pump when my skin was feeling extra dull. Then, you just wash it off with warm water like usual. 

I usually applied the toner onto a reusable cotton pad. I rubbed it onto my face in gentle upward motions, but sometimes, I tried experimenting by spraying it onto my hands, tapping it onto my skin, or just spraying it directly onto my skin. Looking back now, I could have used a more generous amount of the toner, but I used to use it too sparingly because it did end up being the last thing that ran out. It lasted me a long time after the rest of the products finished, so I could have used more.

The moisturizer is thick and creamy but strange because it stops rubbing in if your skin is wet. It only rubs in on dry skin. It weirdly becomes pasty on damp skin. The container for the moisturizer was excellent, too. It was like a vacuum-based product where you would push down, and the product would get pulled out. The base of the container would rise higher and higher as the product got less and less. I used about 2 pumps of products and brought it down my neck. I loved the packaging so much that I refilled it with one of my sunscreens because the size was ideal to carry everywhere, and the vacuum pump was a great way to ensure the product didn't get contaminated.

Overall, I'd rate this trio a solid 10/10 For every single product, and I am definitely going back to purchase more.

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